Sex Starving Is Not The Same As Sexual Purity… Somebody Tell Yvonne Nelson That For Me

Recently a popular Ghanaian actress known as Yvonne Nelson was in the news and on social media for disclosing that she had not had sex since January 2014. The story which was started off on Instagram by John Dumelo, also an actor and close friend of Yvonne Nelson, quickly got onto major online news websites in Ghana.

For the record, this is not the first time Yvonne Nelson is reported to have sex starved. reported that she made similar disclosure during an interview in 2013. In that interview, she disclosed that she had not had sex for about seven months.

As one who believes in sexual purity, I feel the need to respond to Yvonne Nelson on her sex starving. Even though Ms. Nelson did not emphatically say that her sex starving is equivalent to sexual purity, I feel the need to address this issue because of the caliber of person that she is. For the good and the worst, people nowadays look up to these celebrities and would go all out to imitate them. Thus, for her fans’ sake, it is important to point out clearly that sex starving is NOT the same as sexual purity.

Yvonne Nelson and John Dumelo

Yvonne Nelson & John Dumelo. Image Courtesy:

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Why Favour Is Deceitful – According to Proverbs 31:30

One of my favourite scriptures in the Bible is Proverbs 31:30, and the King James Version of it reads, “Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” I love this scripture because it is a straightforward guide to every young person who is unmarried and hope to be married someday.

However straightforward I think Proverbs 31:30 is, I have always believed that it has a much deeper meaning to it than I always see. For this reason, I decided to probe further and study why favour is deceitful and beauty is vain. In this post, I want to share with you on why favour is deceitful. Another post would be dedicated to looking at why beauty is vain.

Thanks to: Esther Carnell on Pinterest for this image.

Thanks to: Esther Carnell on Pinterest for this image.

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Commitment to Purity Does Not Shut Down our Sex Hormones

Commitment to Purity Does Not Shut Down our Sex Hormones

An excerpt from my upcoming book on sexual purity. Subscribe or connect with me on Facebook for more updates.


“If you marry a…

“If you marry a guy who was sleeping around before your wedding, you can be sure he will be sleeping around after your wedding.” – J. Lee Grady

I believe the opposite of the above quote is equally true. Guys, don’t marry a lady who’s NOT committed to purity. This is the will of God for His children. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says, “This is the will of God, even for your sanctification, that you should abstain from sexual immorality”

The Real Reason Why People Go to Hell (Not what you think)

The general believe is that people go to hell because of sin, but is that the whole truth? What does the Bible say? Join me as we dive into God’s Word to find the real reason why people go to hell.


John 3:17-19 (NKJV) says: Continue reading


Being Like Christ

Desire to be like Christ

Desire to be like Christ

Love, Purity and Christianity: A Christian perspective!

In a world where promiscuity is hailed like a queen and sex is what comes to mind when the word “love” is used, one may ask, “Is there any place for Christian values? And virtues?” Christian-values-and-values

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